Myths About Psychometric Assessment
Every corporation to achieve its milestone and reach closer to success optimizes its workforce. Leading companies in the world have started to conduct Psychometric assessments to assess their candidates and understand their potential, abilities, and intelligence. These assessments also provide insights as to whether or not the candidate would be a socio-cultural fit.
However, have you come across “Psychometric Assessments are hard and time-consuming?” or “Psychometric Assessment will not work out?” You must have come across a few of those and from time to time these myths have been increasing which is why debunking them is highly important.
Did you know some of the misconceived notions about Psychometric Assessment? Have you had them yourselves? If not, you will be surprised to know what all myths have been circulating over time. However, these are several questions and misconceptions that have started to shape many of the new employee’s minds. Here we will address the most common misconceptions on Psychometric assessment and debunk them for you!
What are the common Myths about Psychometric Assessment?
Myth: The Responses to the assessment determine whether you fail or pass.
Facts: No Psychometric assessments have passed or failing metrics!
This is one of the biggest misconceptions people have about Psychometric assessment. Your responses to these Psychometric assessments weigh no score! It is important to generate awareness for this very fact because this misconception leads to socially desirable answers instead of honest ones! These tests or assessments do not have success or failure metrics. They merely show where you rank amongst others in your same sample grade or age. You can never fail these tests. Besides, assessing your abilities, they provide you with great insights into your strengths and weaknesses.
Myth: You must be intellectually superior or some superhuman to take these assessments.
Fact: No! Absolutely not.
You do not have to be intellectually superior or smart to take these assessments. They measure all of your skills even across different levels of ability and test the span from birth to older adulthood! There are no right or wrong answers in most of these evaluations except the ones that are highly objective and not perceptive. Objective assessments begin with questions that are easy to answer and gradually the level of difficulty goes higher up where you may face difficulties while you attempt to answer them. This is where the assessment to know your abilities begins!
Myth: They are extremely hard and out of the threshold of your understanding.
Fact: Most of these questions are easy, to begin with, and the questions are set as per the age group and dexterity level.
While it is true that most of these assessments tend to get more difficult gradually, this is only to push you to your limits and to test your fullest capacity so that an accurate representation of your ability can be determined. However, the items will always start with the easy level of questions to get you
Myth: Psychometric Assessment only measures Intelligence.
Fact: Various Psychometric tests that measure specific personality types, traits, and dimensions!
Although there is the traditional “IQ” test there are also assessments for achievement, attention, autism, motor control, behavior, speech, and many other dimensions as well! While it is true that the IQ test is a small part of the assessment, it is typically necessary as cognitive functioning gives evaluators a clear idea about what a person’s potential is. From which predictions about how his academic or attention skills should be can also be assessed.
Myth: We will get you sued!
Fact: The proper use of testing as a selection tool reduces the likelihood of being not selected as due to the Psychometric assessment:
– Selection process is fairer. No human is bereft of prejudice and bias. Many of these interviews may also be subjected to the biases of interviews which leads to discrimination claims. But because these validated tests do not discriminate according to age, sex, and race, these administrative Psychometric tests can be used to reduce subjective biases, making the process fairer for all candidates.
– Employers do not get to hire the wrong employees. The greatest risk to any employer is hiring the wrong candidate. In the best case, the person simply doesn’t work out and leaves, a costly scenario. In the worst case, the person steals from you, incurs too many losses, and makes a mess of harasses! The liability risks that come from hiring the wrong candidate are much greater than the risk of being found liable for not hiring them in the first place. If testing helps you make better hiring decisions, the company is simply less likely to be sued.
Pooling a few sources and reviews of the lawsuits over pre-employment testing proves this conclusion to be true!